Regenerative transitions made profitable for smallholder farmers and buyers

RegenX programs lower farmers cost without decreasing their yields, expanding their net profit margin while repleneshing soil health and lowering carbon emissions.

Commercial partners turn these carbon reductions into carbon insets they can trade at a profit, or simply use to lower their carbon tax exposure & regulatory risks. 

By taking care of themselves, both farmers and buyers can now also take care of Nature, replenish Earth and be empowered to build our regenerative future.

Farmer-Centric programs

Regenerative transitions can only sustain when farmers make more money from it.

Here is how we design custom built, farmer-centric programs for our commercial partners.

Select & Identify

We’ll visit your supply shed, talk to local farmers, assess their regenerative-readiness and take stock of all the farming issues they’re encountering right NOW.

Then we’ll segment the programs based on your farmer profiles and the type of training that needs to be done to tackle their immediate issues.

No one-size fits all and pretty high-touch.

Adapt the Regen Ladder

Different farmers have different needs, personal ambitions and economic situations. Therefore, everyone should start at a different place on the “regenerative ladder”.

Some may start with cover crops. Other with compost or liquid amendments. We build the programs so that everyone can start SOMEWHERE, and move up the ladder over time.​

Build farmer roadmaps

We all tend to give up when we don’t see progress and don’t have milestones.

That’s why every RegenX farmer has a unique, personalized roadmap with clear milestones.

If they need composting, how many kg of compost should they use? In what proportion? When should they start making it? And how much is it going to cost / save?​

How do we decrease farmers cost without decreasing their yields?

Simple: we progressively replace chemical inputs with compost, cover crops and liquid amendments.

Because it's not a big-bang swap but a smooth transition over 3 years, the crop nutrition requirements are still met every single year.

RegenX routine compost on-site check-ins

Following up on cover crops in a coffee / pepper farm

Fish fertilizer on-site check-ins

Ongoing farmer support

Forming new behaviors is hard. Having a strong support network to help us when we need it is key. 

Farming is no different.

Here is how we provide just-in-time support to farmers to help them succeed.

Online & on-site

Farmers get regular phone calls and messages from our remote agronomic team to perform routine checks and level 1 troubleshooting.

Is the compost decomposing well? How hot was it in the first 5 days? How many % manure should they use in their new pile? What help do they need to stay on-track?

We also visit farmers for routine check-ups and practical re-training / support,  ensuring everyone is making progress.

Peer network support

Each supply shed has its farming heroes. They tend to be successful farmers who love being role models and have earned the credibility to be so.

We train them to provide more in-depth support to their neighbors as well as provide all the technical support they need to be the Local Experts.

We cannot be everywhere, every time. But our local farming heroes can.

Carrots and no sticks

With sticks, you get compliance. With carrots, you get performance. We’re all about performance.

We design local-specific reward campaigns to create a sense of engagement with farmers as well as gamify their regenerative progress.

And it’s not really about the reward items. It’s more about building a fun, community-driven sense of achievement anchored around keystone events.​

Track and Trade

How do we know farmers are more profitable with regenerative agriculture? 

And how can buyers claim their impact when they invest in such programs?

Here’s how we track what you need to enable a new trading business line: carbon insets.

Farm App & Data Platform

RegenX farmers all use our app to track farming practices and fertilizer usage. Our data platform computes the carbon equivalence based on the most updated IPCC guidance as well as Verra VM0042.

Since it is virtually impossible to automatically count bags of fertilizers to calculate on-farm carbon footprints, we must rely on farmers’ inputs.

But we verify: our team performs routine checks. Our commercial partners send their agronomist to perform their own checks. And our platform performs data boundary checks automatically.​

2nd party verified

If you’re a large food buyer, you have your own verification or certification program.

Upon request, we’ll make our data trails and formula open to your audit team to perform your verification.​

3rd party verified

If you need an independent 3rd party verified for your carbon insets, we’ll make our data trails and formula transparent to them so they can perform their validation. We’ll also provide sources and references when required.

Prior to this, we’ll align with you on your existing project design docs and clearly disclose where we fully align, and where we may fall short (since you may have created your project design doc before working with RegenX).

What internationally recognized standards do we use?

1. IPCC (2019): we use the Tier 1 approach and are moving towards Tier 2, based on the local primary data we are able to collect.

2. Verra (VM0042 v1.1): we use the Quantification Approach 3 (QA3). As we collect enough primary data on soils, our ambition is to move to QA1 with the right SOC models.

3. GHGP and SBTI FLAG: we follow their principles for data quality, conservativeness and representativeness.


To really make a dent on global warming and improve farmers’ livelihoods, regenerative programs need to scale.

We don’t pretend to have the perfect answer, but here is how we can scale RegenX programs in your own supply chain.

Local supply Sheds

If you’re a large food buyers, you are sourcing from tens of thousands of smallholder farmers from a single origin, divided in smaller supply sheds.

We can help you select and qualify the right supply sheds for regenerative programs, and programmatically roll out across local supply sheds, based on geography, regenerative-readiness as well as your strategic goals.​

Global supply chains

You are probably offtaking key ingredients from multiple origins, which would all benefit from regenerative transitions.

We can replicate local successful RegenX programs in your other origins – provided they deal with similar cropping systems.

Regenerative Financing

We are constantly engaging with financing institutions to design financing services that can accelerate and scale regenerative transitions.

This includes: Sustainability-Linked-Bonds (or Credit Facilities), Green Supply Chain Finance and regenerative smallholder farmer financing.

Check out our work

RegenX compost training

Practical, hands-on farmer training

Reward event for key milestones

Peer-support to influence behaviors

Routine soil sampling

App training and re-training

Checking soil microbiology with farmers

Consistent and systematic follow up

Driving digital adoption at the farm-gate

Regenerative Agriculture is the next frontier

It’s all about changing practices on the ground.
Benjamin Ware
Global head of climate and sustainable sourcing
Regenerative agriculture can be one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal for fighting climate change, biodiversity loss [...] and improve the livelihoods of farming communities around the world.
Ramon Laguarta
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
It revolves around the farm’s ecosystem: looking at the soil, looking at biodiversity, looking at water, and also looking at the carbon aspect. It is also about ensuring economic benefits for the farmers.
Jennifer Simpson
Director of Agriculture
These are unprecedented times with supply chains under enormous pressure and the impacts of climate change all too real. Regenerative farming is a critical part of the solution.
Grant Reid
Chair of SMI Agribusiness Task Force and Former Mars CEO

As featured in

Want to transition your supply chain to regenerative agriculture?