RegenX partners with Simexco to pioneer sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia

RegenX and Simexco are joining forces in a partnership to spearhead sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia. Launching with a pilot project at Ea Tan, Vietnam, this initiative aims to revolutionize farming with regenerative practices, promising a greener future for both the planet and the people who cultivate it.

The collaboration unites RegenX’s innovative approach to regenerative agriculture with Simexco’s leadership in the coffee industry, setting the stage for a sustainable revolution in farming practices in Vietnam. Together, we promise to redefine the landscape of agriculture by embracing regenerative practices, reducing carbon emissions, and enhancing the livelihoods of local farmers.

About Simexco

Founded in 1993, Simexco Daklak has become one of Vietnam’s largest coffee exporters, while the country is the world’s top Robusta producer. With a mission rooted in sustainable growth and excellence, Simexco Daklak has established a dynamic network that spans from farm gates to global markets, including a significant partnership with Douwe Egberts, Mondelez International, and Lavazza. This commitment to sustainability has garnered them recognition within the industry.

The desire to collaborate with RegenX stems from Simexco’s dedication to sustainable agriculture and its continuous efforts to enhance soil quality and reduce chemical fertilizer use, aligning with RegenX’s objectives to revolutionize farming practices through regenerative agriculture. This collaboration can bolster Simexco’s supply chain resilience in the face of climate challenges while tapping into innovative digital solutions and green finance opportunities.

RegenX - Simexco Partnership

Driving decarbonization in ways that benefit farmers, soil health, and exporters

This holistic approach is crafted around key strategies that not only contribute to the environment but also bolster the agricultural and coffee export sectors in Vietnam. Here’s how we’re making it happen:

1. We help farmers produce high-quality microbiological compost.

We’re on a mission to assist farmers in producing high-quality microbiological compost. This initiative involves meticulous monitoring and hands-on support, where we help farmers refine their compost “formula” by adjusting feedstock types, ratios, and other critical parameters.

Furthermore, by advocating for the use of locally available feedstock, we aim to cut down on emissions from transportation, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint. The quality compost not only enriches the soil, leading to healthier crops but also boosts farmer incomes by reducing input costs and increasing crop yields.

RegenX - Simexco Partnership

2. We digitize the transitions and account for decarbonization.

Given that chemical fertilizers account for about 80% of on-farm GHG emissions of on-farm emissions, the shift from chemical to microbiological inputs is a significant leap toward eliminating greenhouse gas emissions.

By fully documenting and accounting for this shift, we ensure a transparent and verifiable reduction in the carbon footprint, contributing to global efforts against climate change.

3. We use a combination of proprietary ground-truth data and verifiable methodologies to unlock green financing.

Our strategy hinges on using our own detailed data and proven methods to track our progress in reducing carbon emissions, which also opens up opportunities for funding focused on environmental sustainability. 

As the project progresses and our data becomes more accurate, showcasing tangible environmental improvements, we can secure better financial terms from investors who prioritize eco-friendly initiatives. This approach benefits all parties involved: farmers see reduced costs and improved crop yields, the soil’s health is restored, companies like Simexco minimize their environmental footprint, and investors contribute to a greener future.

Through these concerted efforts, we’re setting in motion a powerful flywheel effect where decarbonization efforts bolster the agricultural ecosystem, making it more resilient, productive, and sustainable. It’s a collaborative journey where farmers, soil, exporters, and financiers all win, and ultimately a victory for the planet.

As our founder summarized,

“In a nutshell, we train farmers and help them adopt the right microbiological compost practices to reduce cost, regenerate soils, make more profits, and link those activities to green financing.” – Bao Nguyen, Founder of RegenX

Join us on the decarbonization journey

In our pioneering partnership with Simexco, our aim is to lead the way in creating a sustainable agricultural future in Southeast Asia, offering widespread benefits. This initiative promises to revolutionize farming, improve soil health, lower carbon emissions, and deliver real advantages to both farmers and exporters. 

Our goal extends beyond this; we aspire to expand this model regionally and globally, redefining the potential of sustainable agriculture for the future.

If you share our vision for a sustainable future —then we want to hear from you.

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