Making Regenerative Agriculture profitable - for everyone.


Now, buyers can source high-quality ingredients while ensuring Regenerative Agriculture results in net higher income for smallholder farmers.

Our approach

Delivering greater returns on Natural Capital through Regenerative Agriculture.

Quality first
We help farmers improve their post-harvesting techniques to get higher quality crops.
Regen Ag Impact
We accompany farmers in transitioning to regenerative farming - from intercropping all the way to agroforestry.
Regen Ag monitoring
Photo-based evidence and ground-truth data on input / output for buyers.
Higher carbon sequestration
Our farming systems based on woody staple trees sequester more carbon above and below ground.
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Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers

Regenerative Agriculture is the next frontier

It’s all about changing practices on the ground.
Benjamin Ware
Global head of climate and sustainable sourcing
Regenerative agriculture can be one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal for fighting climate change, biodiversity loss [...] and improve the livelihoods of farming communities around the world.
Ramon Laguarta
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
These are unprecedented times with supply chains under enormous pressure and the impacts of climate change all too real. Regenerative farming is a critical part of the solution.
Grant Reid
Chair of SMI Agribusiness Task Force and Former Mars CEO
It’s not just about strengthening one key ingredient, but about looking at the farm as a living ecosystem and looking to maximize its potential.
Mary Jane Mendelez
It revolves around the farm’s ecosystem: looking at the soil, looking at biodiversity, looking at water, and also looking at the carbon aspect. It is also about ensuring economic benefits for the farmers.
Jennifer Simpson
Director of Agriculture
This is a critical moment: if we don't evolve the way we grow food, the whole system could collapse. Therefore, we must transform supply chains and the way we farm.
Max Koeune
President & CEO

Make your supply chain resilient

Business continuity through Regen Ag continuity

Get the quality ingredients you need on the short-term while strengthening your entire supply chain in the long-term.


We match your purchase order with the right producer regions.

Regen Ag transitions

Support and accelerate transitions by purchasing from Regen Ag farmers.

Get quality

We assist farmers to improve quality to match your quality standards.

Regen Ag dashboard

Track Regenerative Agriculture progress at the farm level.

Resilient Sourcing, resilient Planet

RegenX food security

Toxic-free ingredients

RegenX farmer

Farmers' livelihood

RegenX biodiversity

Nature Positive

Have a transparent Impact

Deliver on your Impact Agenda transparently

Align your sustainable sourcing strategy with actual evidence of impact at the farm level.

On-farm data

Input and yield data combined with photographic evidence of Regen practices for each farm.

Direct relationship

Minimize intermediaries, improve farmers' livelihood.

Transparent supply chain

Know how much farmers actually receive.

Regen Ag assets

Use unique media assets to showcase your real Impact.

Compliant and resilient

Be compliant-ready, climate-resilient

Future-proof your supply chain and stay ahead of the industry.


Source from non-deforested areas.


Get the data you need to comply with regulations.


Regenerate soils, biodiversity and sequester more carbon with Regenerative Agriculture.


Stay ahead of Regenerative Agriculture and build your Nature-Based competitive advantage.

Make Regen Ag sourcing your competitive advantage

RegenX transparency

Business Continuity

RegenX food security

Compliant & Resilient

RegenX aerial farm

Impact & Transparency

Our Story

Venture-backed, spiritually-driven

Our reason for being is to replenish soils in ways that are profitable for farmers, buyers and partners - and build a Regenerative Flywheel.

The best way to describe how RegenX started is this: It was destiny“. 

Following omens led me to go from “Start yet-another tech company” to “Why not start a climate company?

200+ stakeholder interviews and 5 months later, with the support and blessing of Wavemaker Impact, RegenX was born.

Our ambition: to regenerate 6 million hectares in Southeast Asia, transition 2.5 million smallholder farmers to Agroforestry and sequester 100 Mega Ton of CO2e per year. 

If we execute well, farmers will earn more by regenerating soils. Buyers will source toxic-free, nutritious ingredients from regenerative farmers. Soil health and biodiversity will be restored.

Truth be told, I don’t know if this will curb global warming fast enough. 

What I do know is that we have to try.

RegenX real people

Start RegenX transitions now.