Coffee: Your Regenerative Agriculture Checklist

RegenX - regenerative agriculture checklist for coffee

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With over 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed globally every day, the impact of coffee agriculture activities on our planet cannot be overlooked. Therefore, our regenerative agriculture checklist for coffee offers a strategic framework to support coffee producers, who are looking for a better, more sustainable way of farming. It serves as a vital tool in guiding coffee farmers toward practices that enhance soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and ensure their crops are regeneratively farmed—thereby making their livelihoods more resilient to climate variability. 

What you’ll get

  • A top-to-bottom regenerative agriculture checklist for coffee farms.
  • A guide for enriching soil using coffee waste and reducing chemicals.
  • Steps for creating biodiversity with native plants and beekeeping.
  • Tips for better water management, carbon sequestration and more.

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